Research Division
of Molecular Metabolism

The research at the Research Divison of Molecular Metabolism focuses on mitochondrial genetics and the impact of mitochondrial dysfunction on disease and ageing. We investigate regulation of transcription and translation of mitochondrial DNA, how mitochondrial function is regulated, and what happens when the function of the mitochondria is disrupted.

Research groups

Currently, the division consists of three research groups focusing on different aspects of mitochondrial biology. The division has a close collaboration with the Centre for Inherited Metabolic Diseases at Karolinska University Hospital, and the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing - Karolinska Institutet Laboratory (MPI-KI) is integrated into our laboratory.

Transcription of mitochondrial DNA by POLRMT

Nils-Göran Larsson

The mitochondrion is a key player in cellular function and dysfunctional mitochondria have been implicated in a number of disorders as well as in the process of normal ageing. Our research group is interested in fundamental questions related to mitochondrial biology. How is the number and the function of mitochondria regulated? What happens in a cell with dysfunctional mitochondria? How does mitochondrial dysfunction cause human disease?

Anna Wredenberg

Our research tries to identify the molecular consequences of metabolic derangements, by understanding how mitochondria function within the metabolic system. We also have a special focus on understanding the turnover of mitochondrial transcripts, and how changes in mitochondrial gene expression is regulated on a post-transcriptional level.

Immunofluorescent staining of mitochondria (red) and lysosomes (green)
Structure of the human mitoribosomal small subunit with mtIF3 and mtIF2

Joanna Rorbach

The central theme of the Rorbach lab is the molecular control of mitochondrial gene expression and its influence on physiology. We use genetic, proteomic, single-molecule and cryo-EM methods to reveal mechanisms and to identify novel factors involved in mitochondrial RNA metabolism. These interdisciplinary approaches help us to explore a poorly-understood area of mitochondrial biology with direct relevance to human health.



Visiting address:

Division of Molecular Metabolism
Biomedicum 9D
Solnavägen 9
17165 Solna


Work opportunities:

We offer master student, PhD and Postdoc positions to highly motivated and enthusiastic researchers. For details, please, contact us by email  .