Welcome to the group of
Roberta Filograna
About the group

Research projects

The Filograna group is interested in understanding how mitochondrial dysfunction affects identity, function and survival of the different cell type of the central nervous system. Our research focuses on the impact of mitochondrial fitness in cell autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms of neurodegeneration, with a special focus on Parkinson’s disease. We employ genetic, molecular and omics approaches and use in vitro and in vivo models to dissect the molecular events driving neuronal cell death. In the long-term, we hope that our studies will identify druggable targets and set the ground for novel therapeutic avenues to treat neurodegenerative disorders.

Group members

Roberta Filograna

Dr Roberta Filograna

Junior group leader

Jule Gerlach

Jule Gerlach

PhD student

Fernanda Rodrigues

Dr. Fernanda Rodrigues


Paola Pireddu

Paola Pireddu

Research assistant

Danica Jovancevic

Danica Jovancevic

Master student


Recent publications

Full list of publications can be found here.


We are grateful for the support:

  • Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet)
  • The Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden)
  • The Strategic Research Area Neuroscience (StratNeuro)
  • Hedlunds Stiftelse
  • Åhlen-stiftelsen
  • Karolinska Institutet
  • KID-funding for Doctoral student
  • Loo and Hans Osterman Foundation


Dr. Roberta Filograna
Visiting address:

Division of Molecular Metabolism
Biomedicum 9D
Solnavägen 9
17165 Solna


Work opportunities:

We offer master student positions to highly motivated and enthusiastic researchers. For details, please, contact us by email  .
